This is one of the most common questions we receive. There are many variables at play when you attempt to send an email that can determine if an email successfully sends. Luckily, you usually have all the clues necessary to determine what the issue is and how to address it.
The first thing you'll want to reference is the notification that indicated the mail failed to send. That will usually have a subject line containing something like Mail Delivery Failed or Mail Delivery Deferred. These emails will generally have all the information you'll need to diagnose and remedy the issue. If you have received one of these emails, you can jump over the next paragraph for some help deciphering it.
If you did not receive one of these notifications, and the email is in your sent folder, the issue is very likely on the end of the recipient. They should check their junk folder, and if it isn't there, they should reach out to their systems administrator. If their systems administrator cannot identify the issue, let us know.
- Mail Delivery Deferred
- The system is waiting to send out your mail; it has not tried so it has not failed.
- This usually means your domain (not necessarily you individually) has reached your hourly or daily limits on outbound mail.
- This generally occurs when you've used our servers to send a mass email, or one of your domain's accounts has been compromised.
- You should definitely reach out to us if you receive this message so we can make sure everything is as it should be.
- Mail Delivery Failed
- The system has either attempted to deliver your email and the email was not accepted OR the system did not attempt to deliver your mail for some reason.
- This can mean many things. You'll need to read the body of the notification to discern why the delivery failed. Here is a screen capture of an example:
- See the diagnostic-code down there are the bottom? Note how it says "Recipient address rejected: user does not exist."
- The location of this reason may vary, but we assure you that it is there 99% of the time.
- Once you have located the reason, see if you can find it in this chart:
Reason (alphabetical) |
[IPAddress] is not allowed to send from <> per its SPF Record. | Your current IP does not have permission to send on behalf of your domain. Contact the systems administrator for your email account. |
Message blocked due to spam content in the message. | The recipient server rejected your email because it was detected as spam. Reconsider the content and subject line of your message. Contact the recipient through another email or mode of communication, |
Message bounced due to organizational settings. | The recipient has filtering set-up on their server, and it has rejected your message. Reconsider the content and subject line of your message. Contact the recipient through another email or mode of communication, |
Message filtered. | The recipient has filtering set-up on their server, and it has rejected your message. Reconsider the content and subject line of your message. Contact the recipient through another email or mode of communication, |
Recipient address rejected: Access denied. | This is a bit off a catch-all. Usually, it is either the same as "User Unknown" or "Message Filtered" |
Recipient address rejected: user does not exist. | The mail is undeliverable because the recipent email address does not exist. Check the email address for typos. Contact the recipient through another email or mode of communication, |
RESOLVER.ADR.RecipientNotFound | The mail is undeliverable because the recipent email address does not exist. Check the email address for typos. Contact the recipient through another email or mode of communication, |
The email account that you tried to reach does not exist | The mail is undeliverable because the recipent email address does not exist. Check the email address for typos. Contact the recipient through another email or mode of communication, |
This mail cannot be forwarded because it was detected as spam. | Your server has not sent the mail because it was detected as spam. Reconsider the content and subject line of your message. NOTE: Outbound emails that contain just an attachment or link will receive this. This is by far the most common reason outbound mail gets labelled as spam. To counteract it, make sure the email has substantive text in the body and a relevant subject. |
User Unknown. |
The mail is undeliverable because the recipent email address does not exist. Check the email address for typos. Contact the recipient through another email or mode of communication. |
If you cannot find the reason provided by the "Mail Delivery Failed" email, try searching for it on Google, or email us and forward the email to
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